Returns & Order Help
✦ Please inspect your order right away! 🙂
✦ You have 7 days after receiving your order to submit requests for a return, exchange, or refund. We accept requests only for orders that are lost or damaged in transit, are defective, or were incorrectly fulfilled.
✦ Due to the intimate nature of Moon Pal products, any requests that are related to personal preference or are submitted more than 7 days after the Fedex shown date of delivery will not be accepted.
✦ Sale items are final sale. Pre-order items vary. Please refer to pre-order product pages for item-specific information.
✦ To begin a return or exchange request, please email and include clear photos of damages or defects. Orders refused upon delivery or sent back to us without first submitting a request will not be accepted.
✦ We will email you a pre-paid Fedex return shipping label if your request for a return or exchange is accepted. We do not charge you for the cost of return shipping. If you are emailed a return label, you will need to package your items, print the label, and bring to Fedex to ship your return back to us. We recommend that you sign up for tracking notifications for your return shipment on, and email us when you've shipped your return.
✦ Returned items are received and inspected by our warehouse before we issue a refund, replacement, or exchange.
✦ To receive a replacement or exchange faster, you can place a new, separate order. Place a new order only if we've provided you with a pre-paid return label and you've emailed to let us know. If your original order included discounts or promotions, you can email us and request a refund to reflect this on the new order. We will approve refund requests to match any discounts or promotions that were applied to your original order.
✦ Refunds for returned items are issued after we receive, inspect, and process these items at our warehouse. We recommend signing up for tracking notifications for your return shipment on and letting us know once you've shipped your return.
✦ If your request for a refund is approved, you will be refunded to the original method of payment. Your bank or credit card company may also require time to process and post refunds to your account. Depending on your bank, this process can take anywhere from 5-15 business days.